I just read a post from my bestie in one of our silly group :p and here's what i'm gonna say
I truly do agree what did you write there. Here's to the memories and the love.
Gw berterimakasih banget sama kalian semua, udah ksh gw kesempatan buat ngisi hari-hari kalian, udh boleh ngisi hidup kalian, ngisi hati kalian, bikin memori yg ga bakal gw lupain bareng kalian semua. Makasih karna kalian, ya kalian semua yg baca ini, udh ngisi hidup gw, buat hari-hari gw lebih bermakna, udh iseng-iseng bareng gw, gila-gilaan bareng, sama-sama mempermalukan diri kita di hadapan orang lain. Nah gw tau kita bentar lagi bakal pisah, bakal naik ke SMA, bakal carry on with our own lifes, tapi ketahui satu hal, gw gak akan lupa sama sekali smua yg udh kita hadapin bareng-bareng, smua suka duka, canda tawa, bahkan air mata yg udh kita curahin bareng-bareng, smua kenangan dan memori indah bareng, mungkin itu masa lalu, tapi itu smua masa lalu kita yg berwarna kan? Ya memang besok ini kita juga bakal graduation, dari pagi ada rasa deg-deg-an di hati gw memang, tp juga ada rasa sedih, cukup sedih, yg bercampur seneng juga. Sedih karna kita udh mau pisah, kita ga bakal bisa ketemu tiap hari lagi kyk dulu, bercanda seseeibf dulu lagi, tapi kita harus seneng juga kan, bentar lagi kita bakal SMA, bakal lebih dewasa, lebih-lebih segalanya. Kalo nginget-nginget kenangan-kenangan lama siapa sih yg ga bakal terharu. Gw masih inget tiap kali ke rumah lw nash, sasaran utamanya pasti kamar lw, banyak banget kan kenangan disitu, disitu tmpt dimana lw pernah nyangkut rambutnya di kursi roda, kita slalu tiduran di lantainya, dan juga tempat kita banyak cerita-cerita tentang smuanya. Di rumah tasha itu tempat buat ngeliat dan main-mainin hamsternya, tempat dimana kita makan pizza, tempat dimana kita kali dateng slalu duduk dan ngumpul di lantainya ruang tamu. Rumah moni itu tmpt dimana kita slalu ngetem kalo rumah nashya gabosa dijadiin tmpt ngetem. Rumah dela itu tempat dimana kita bisa liat koleksi bukh superbanyaknya, tmpt dimana kita beberapa kali ngerjain dela pas ultahnya dgn hal yg cukup konyol. Rumah adel sasaran empuk buat dimintain makan. Rumah kezia itu tempat dimana ada bonnie, anjingnya yg katanya akhir-akhir ini kyk minta dikawinin, dimana tv kabel dan internet jd jurus jitu menghilangkan bosen. Rumah sonia jd sasaran nasi buat prepare hal-hal sblm dia nonton sungha and ketemu bena. Rumah marcia tempat dimana kita slalu bbqan and ngadain party-party. Itu tmpt-tmpt yg pernah dibuat tongkrongan yg termasuk dlm list rmh temen. Kalo tempat ngetem kita biasa ya kalo nggak mall puri, TA, ya di mcd deket px. Tempat-tempat kita gila-gilaan bareng, ketawa-ketawa sampe perut sakit trus mulai nangis. Oh ya, juga kantin skolah, dimana biasa kezia makan mi kari, dela beli teh poci, adel beli bobo hut, dan kita biasa ngomongin smua yg gajelas. Kantin juga tempat dimana ada kucing yg namanya ceyiki, trus tmpt dimana slalu ada mas-mas jireh yg ngusir kita kalo kita msh nongkrong di kantin bawah diatas jam 3.15-3.30an. Haduuh pokoknya banyak bangetbanget kenangan-kenangan gila kita deh!
Gw juga akan slalu inget dimana kalian hampir setiap waktu jodohin gw ke banyak orang :')
Panjang banget ya ini.
Pokoknya intinya smua hal yg pernag kita lakuin bareng-bareng JANGAN PERNAH DILUPAIN. INGAT SELALU TATA DAN YG LAIN.
Pesen from me, pokoknya number one kita harus slalu keep in touch, entah bagaimana pun caranya, mau lewat bbm, twittah, fb, friendster, myspace, skype, ym, whatsapp, kakao talk, line messenger, wechat, instagram, blogger, tumblr, hp nokia, sony erricson, motorola, samsung, lg, iphone, telp rumah, kartu pos, surat kaleng, smuanya deh! Pokoknya hrs ttp keep in touch!
Kedua, spt biasa, masalah-masalah di hidup kita kan banyak banget ya gaada habisnya. Kyk wkt kls 8 itu aja masalah kyknya ga slese-slese gituu, pokoknya kita GA BOLEH ADA KATA MENYERAH, ga boleh ngeluh terus juga, kita hrs terus berusaha and berdoa no matter what.
Ketiga, i know bnyk dari kita yg pasti beberapa tahun kedepan, bahkan dlm itungan bulan ya, udah berubah, ketemu komplotan and temen-temen baru, tp please jangan lupain temen-temen yang lama ya, karna i know pasti tmn-tmn kita nantinya gaada yg uniknya kyk kita, secara, kita one in a million gituh! (?)
Keempat, no matter what, pesen gw yg paling utama adalah i love you all sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, kalian temen-temen terbaik gw, dan i know sampe kapan pun juga gaada deh yg bisa nyaingin kalian. Thankyou for everything skali lagi ya. Maaf kalo gw sering bikin kalian kesel, sebel, kalo gw gabisa menuhin expectation kalian sbg tmn yg sempurna, ya kan memang gaada manusia yg bener bener sempurna. Maaf juga kalo gw pernah nyakitin hati kalian sedemikian rupanya sampe-sampe itu msh jadi uneg-uneg buat kalian. Sorry banget.
Gw juga ngerti kok kalo kalian pernah bikin gw kesel, bikin gw sedih, bikin gaenak hati, tp that's what friends are for kan, kita emg ga slalunya bikin seneng terus :p
Yaudah, i guess that's all from me now
Cheers to the drama, the laughter, the joy, the sadness, the tears, the heartbreaks, the craziness, the stresses, the sillines, the love, to teenage years!
Thankyou for everything
I loved you, i love you, and i always will.
Your silliest, craziest, and weirdest.
Florentia 'tata' natalie
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 02, 2013
Holiday is near! Whoops! It's here!
4:24 AM
Hey guys! It has been a long time since my last post! And guess what, I've finished all my exams and I'll be graduated from junior high school soon! I'm really happy (plus sad) cause finally I could finish this year smoothly B-)
And what do I'm sad of are my friends, some of my besties have to go to a different school from mine (or should I say I have to move out to another school :( )
But come on, it's holiday! Lets have some fuuuuuuuuuuun!
Well this holiday, I can say, I'm having a massive jar of plans! I'm going to do some DIY project, I think I'm going to highlight my hair a bit, I'm going to move to another house, which is stunning (and I really can't wait for it!), then I'm going to post some videos to YouTube (wml), and alsoooooooooooooooo I'm going to HIKEEEE! I'm gonna go hiking at Mount Bromo! One of the most popular mountain here in Indonesia! It's a popular and amazing tourists' destination here, in the island of Java. Also I'm gonna go to Semarang with my cousins (ONLY!) because my grandparents asked us to. And maybe I'm going to have a farewell party with my classmates from the lovely 92 <3
Any ideas for hair highlights? Hahaa!
Well, I think I'm gonna get some tan also, I really want to go to a beach (or two, or even more) this holiday. I also decided to do some nail art by my own! Even though a few days ago I've gotten it with an incredibly cheap price! It only costs 35,000 rupiahs (around $4) and it also includes manicures! It's nice, right? I love nail arts even though I can't play my lovely guitar with it -_-
Well, I think I have no more to say so far, so I'll catch up with you guys later! Oh! I almost forget, I want to post a picture of my nails!
Well here it is!
Doodles! Lots of love ❤
And what do I'm sad of are my friends, some of my besties have to go to a different school from mine (or should I say I have to move out to another school :( )
But come on, it's holiday! Lets have some fuuuuuuuuuuun!
Well this holiday, I can say, I'm having a massive jar of plans! I'm going to do some DIY project, I think I'm going to highlight my hair a bit, I'm going to move to another house, which is stunning (and I really can't wait for it!), then I'm going to post some videos to YouTube (wml), and alsoooooooooooooooo I'm going to HIKEEEE! I'm gonna go hiking at Mount Bromo! One of the most popular mountain here in Indonesia! It's a popular and amazing tourists' destination here, in the island of Java. Also I'm gonna go to Semarang with my cousins (ONLY!) because my grandparents asked us to. And maybe I'm going to have a farewell party with my classmates from the lovely 92 <3
Any ideas for hair highlights? Hahaa!
Well, I think I'm gonna get some tan also, I really want to go to a beach (or two, or even more) this holiday. I also decided to do some nail art by my own! Even though a few days ago I've gotten it with an incredibly cheap price! It only costs 35,000 rupiahs (around $4) and it also includes manicures! It's nice, right? I love nail arts even though I can't play my lovely guitar with it -_-
Well, I think I have no more to say so far, so I'll catch up with you guys later! Oh! I almost forget, I want to post a picture of my nails!
Well here it is!
Doodles! Lots of love ❤
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